You CAN change your brain and get your life back. It won't be a quick fix, but it can be done You are not stuck with the same brain for life. You can make lasting improvements to become not just smarter, but happier. In his latest book, Benjamin Kramer pulls together the wide range of topics covered in previous books to create a user manual for repairing and optimizing your brain. Whether you suffer from a mood disorder such as Anxiety or Depression, have less than ideal cognitive function or if you just want to know how to create a super brain, this book contains advice and guidance to get...
You CAN change your brain and get your life back. It won't be a quick fix, but it can be done You are not stuck with the same brain for life. You can ...
Brand new 2015 edition, with an expanded section on "off-label" and experimental options, along with a fascinating explanation of the current research into the next generation of drugs to treat mood & anxiety-spectrum disorders Are you confused about which antidepressant is right for you? Would you like to learn all the important information on all of the antidepressants currently available? Do you suffer from - - Major depression (including treatment-resistant depression and dysthymia) - Generalized anxiety disorder - Panic disorder - Phobic disorder - Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)...
Brand new 2015 edition, with an expanded section on "off-label" and experimental options, along with a fascinating explanation of the current research...