Detective Detective Dwayne Drake and The Case of the Mathematical Misfit, like its predecessor Detective Dwayne Drake and The Case of The Alphabet Thief, is educational but even more importantly it is fun to read. This book teachers simple one through ten addition and basic numeracy for preschoolers and kindergartners. Children will enjoy searching for clues and solving the mystery while learning number names and count sequence. This is a great book and teaching tool for both parents and the early elementary teacher looking to support the common core standards.
Detective Detective Dwayne Drake and The Case of the Mathematical Misfit, like its predecessor Detective Dwayne Drake and The Case of The Alphabet Thi...
Quick read for principals short on time and overwhelmed with meetings. 36 simple foundational ideas and strategies you can implement immediately in your leadership practice.
Quick read for principals short on time and overwhelmed with meetings. 36 simple foundational ideas and strategies you can implement immediately in yo...