Set several years in the future, sixteen-year-old Ricky Romanello, a college freshman, is playing basketball when he collapses and winds up in a coma suffering from a powerful flu that hits the U.S. population causing deaths and a dramatic economic slowdown. Research scientist Dr. Mandy Fox has been developing an anti-aging drug that she believes might also eradicate the flu. Ricky becomes one of the test subjects. The government rushes approval for the drug but Ricky and others soon discover there is an unintended side effect of the new drug and vaccine with severe consequences for him and...
Set several years in the future, sixteen-year-old Ricky Romanello, a college freshman, is playing basketball when he collapses and winds up in a coma ...
Joey Taylor jokingly starts a public page for "God" on FaceSpace and forgets about it when he goes off the grid from social media. Four years later, he returns to the page to find that it has over 30 million "likes." When Joey discovers the immense power and responsibility that comes with this incredible online audience at his disposal, the former pizza delivery driver develops a God complex of his own. Joeys newfound fame on FaceSpace takes a turn nobody could ever see coming.
"In I Like God, Yager and Bynes create an easy to read fun world that shows how out of hand social media,...
Joey Taylor jokingly starts a public page for "God" on FaceSpace and forgets about it when he goes off the grid from social media. Four years later, h...
Joey Taylor jokingly starts a public page for "God" on FaceSpace and forgets about it when he goes off the grid from social media. Four years later, he returns to the page to find that it has over 30 million "likes." When Joey discovers the immense power and responsibility that comes with this incredible online audience at his disposal, the former pizza delivery driver develops a God complex of his own. Joey's newfound fame on FaceSpace takes a turn nobody could ever see coming. "In I Like God, Yager and Bynes create an easy to read fun world that shows how out of hand social media, fame,...
Joey Taylor jokingly starts a public page for "God" on FaceSpace and forgets about it when he goes off the grid from social media. Four years later, h...
At a certain age, children become very curious and they start asking "Why?" When a parent (teacher, educator, grandparent) responds with an answer, these inquisitive children will often respond with another "Why?" The Question Is Why? Why? Why? was inspired by the author's son, Bradley. There are 26 different questions and answers, each corresponding to a letter of the alphabet, as well as a surprise bonus question at the end of this educational and fun children's book. There is also a list of additional activities parents and educators can do with children to inspire inquiring minds as...
At a certain age, children become very curious and they start asking "Why?" When a parent (teacher, educator, grandparent) responds with an answer,...