The Money Grip saga continues In this long awaited sequel to Money-Grip, Rasheen Smith fights his way out of a bullet wound induced coma, back from the dark edges of death, into the world of the living. Beaten down, spiritually drained and emotionally depleted, Rasheen is resurrected with a newfound realization. He has grown weary of the senseless bloodshed and carnage. He is also a father and wants to be a good dad to his newborn son. But in order to do that he has to break free from his past. He wants to leave the violent, gun blazing, fast money making lifestyle alone, but his prior acts...
The Money Grip saga continues In this long awaited sequel to Money-Grip, Rasheen Smith fights his way out of a bullet wound induced coma, back from t...
Enigma of Love is a Hip Hop action adventure love story that presents the side of Hip Hop that is all about caring, helping others and fighting against evil forces. This story confirms the adage that says love is one of the World's greatest enigmas. In this fast-moving, hip hop action/adventure love story Daquasha Lawrence (AKA Danielle Lewis) is hurled into a deadly journey of survival when she witnesses a triple homicide committed by her drug dealing boyfriend, Jamil Nevez. While in custody for the murders, Jamil hires Tykim Hall, a hit man, to kill Daquasha, who returns out to be...
Enigma of Love is a Hip Hop action adventure love story that presents the side of Hip Hop that is all about caring, helping others and fighting agains...
No other love was the terms of Dinasia Whitman and Tislam Parker's vow; a serious promise made upon falling in love when they were children growing up in the Foster Care System. It was also the lyrics to their favorite childhood song. But Shateek Davis also had a thing for vows premised on love; he too loved Dinasia and was the type that once he loved someone, he loved hard, uncompromising and . . . forever. He was more than willing to do whatever it took to get Tislam out of the picture and Dinasia all to himself, even to the extent of utilizing tragic induced maneuvers that would eventually...
No other love was the terms of Dinasia Whitman and Tislam Parker's vow; a serious promise made upon falling in love when they were children growing up...
At the tender age of ten, Shamara Fox witnessed the brutal murder of her mom and dad as they exited a Church in the Canarsie section of Brooklyn because of their community activist efforts to rid Canarsie of drug dealers. The gunman, Tommy Bossett, a henchman for a ruthless drug gang, escapes prosecution. As the years pass Tommy becomes immensely rich, while Shamara's life progresses into a living hell. After her release from prison, Shamara decides it is time to confront the demons of her past. With the help of two life-long friends (Fashawn Corcino and Kenyetta Jones) the trio infiltrates...
At the tender age of ten, Shamara Fox witnessed the brutal murder of her mom and dad as they exited a Church in the Canarsie section of Brooklyn becau...