Elizabeth and Anna Torrey grew up in a small Mississippi town during Civil War times. Their love and friendship for a young slave girl named Simmy tells of the interweaving of the lives of slave and slave-master. Papa, the voice of wisdom, and Mama, a pillar of love, influenced their lives. Half fiction and half family history, this book will have you guessing if it has been written about you. A wholesome book for all ages.
Elizabeth and Anna Torrey grew up in a small Mississippi town during Civil War times. Their love and friendship for a young slave girl named Simmy ...
Elizabeth and Anna Torrey grew up in a small Mississippi town during Civil War times. Their love and friendship for a young slave girl named Simmy tells of the interweaving of the lives of slave and slave-master. Papa, the voice of wisdom, and Mama, a pillar of love, influenced their lives. Half fiction and half family history, this book will have you guessing if it has been written about you. A wholesome book for all ages.
Elizabeth and Anna Torrey grew up in a small Mississippi town during Civil War times. Their love and friendship for a young slave girl named Simmy ...
A sequel to the author's first book, The Other Side of the Flood, this book is a continuation of the lives of Elizabeth and Anna Jane Torrey. The Civil War has ended and the difficult times begin in earnest. The reality of the characters? lives becomes evident as you get to know them. They live and experience love, disappointment, tragedy, and hope. How they deal with these situations drives the story.
A sequel to the author's first book, The Other Side of the Flood, this book is a continuation of the lives of Elizabeth and Anna Jane Torrey. The C...
A sequel to the author's first book, The Other Side of the Flood, this book is a continuation of the lives of Elizabeth and Anna Jane Torrey. The Civil War has ended and the difficult times begin in earnest. The reality of the characters? lives becomes evident as you get to know them. They live and experience love, disappointment, tragedy, and hope. How they deal with these situations drives the story.
A sequel to the author's first book, The Other Side of the Flood, this book is a continuation of the lives of Elizabeth and Anna Jane Torrey. The C...