200 hands to practice opener's rebid after responder has limited his hand by raising opener's suit or bidding no trump. Focuses primarily on auctions at or below game level - appropriate for beginners.
200 hands to practice opener's rebid after responder has limited his hand by raising opener's suit or bidding no trump. Focuses primarily on auctions ...
Inverted Minor Raises, a valuable competitive bridge bidding system that allows the responder to accelerate the auctions when holding five or more trumps and a weak hand.
Inverted Minor Raises, a valuable competitive bridge bidding system that allows the responder to accelerate the auctions when holding five or more tru...
Jacoby Transfer is one of the most useful conventions in Bridge. A Jacoby Transfer is bid by responder after a Notrump opening bid or overcall to show a hand with five cards or longer in (hearts or spades) major suits.
Jacoby Transfer is one of the most useful conventions in Bridge. A Jacoby Transfer is bid by responder after a Notrump opening bid or overcall to show...