This book tells the story of a small child struggling through the daily challenges of childhood, while being happily comforted by Cooper the dog. It is an illustrated, feel-good rhyming story that will captivate adults as well as children.
This book tells the story of a small child struggling through the daily challenges of childhood, while being happily comforted by Cooper the dog. It i...
Someone is having a bad day. Luckily, there's Cooper the dog and his smile to make everything better. Cooper's Smile is an illustrated, feel-good rhyming story that will captivate adults as well as children.
Someone is having a bad day. Luckily, there's Cooper the dog and his smile to make everything better. Cooper's Smile is an illustrated, feel-good r...
The little unicorn, Meela, believes she can fly, but everyone tells her that she can't. Will she listen to the doubters or will she believe in herself enough to make her dream come true? A beautifully illustrated, inspiring story filled with hope and triumph. Also available as a coloring book.
The little unicorn, Meela, believes she can fly, but everyone tells her that she can't. Will she listen to the doubters or will she believe in hers...
A cute rhyming picture book that answers the age-old question about bears in the woods. All through the book, it shows pictures of various animals and objects and asks questions that always end in yes. Do birds sing? Do bells ring? Do frogs leap? Do brooms sweep? Do bunnies hop? Do axes chop? The "sister" book to this is Can Pigs Fly? All the questions in that book always end in no.
A cute rhyming picture book that answers the age-old question about bears in the woods. All through the book, it shows pictures of various animals ...
A story about puppy dogs, wizards, and secrets. And when a friendly pup gets a little too playful, you can't imagine what might happen This colorful book is about a wizard's anger, a little girl's kindness, and how puppy dogs got cold noses.
A story about puppy dogs, wizards, and secrets. And when a friendly pup gets a little too playful, you can't imagine what might happen This colorf...
Mr. Cherryfield loves tending his garden and taking care of every little thing about it--watering, pulling weeds, and admiring its beauty. But when a large lion appears under his tree in the middle of his garden, Mr. Cherryfield is at first afraid and then determined not to let anything stop him from his enjoyment of spending time in his garden--even a large lion.
Mr. Cherryfield loves tending his garden and taking care of every little thing about it--watering, pulling weeds, and admiring its beauty. But when...
A funny rhyming book for children. Questions are asked in rhyme and the answers are always no. (This is the sister book to Do Bears Poop in the Woods where all the answers are yes.)
A funny rhyming book for children. Questions are asked in rhyme and the answers are always no. (This is the sister book to Do Bears Poop in the Woo...
Das kleine Einhorn Meela glaubt, dass sie fliegen kann, aber jeder sagt ihr sie kOnne das nicht. Wird sie auf die Zweifler hOren oder fest genug an sich selbst glauben, um ihren Traum wahr werden zu lassen? Eine wunderschOn illustrierte, inspirierende Geschichte voll von Hoffnung und Triumph. Auch als Malbuch erhAltlich.
Das kleine Einhorn Meela glaubt, dass sie fliegen kann, aber jeder sagt ihr sie kOnne das nicht. Wird sie auf die Zweifler hOren oder fest genug an...
La petite licorne, Meela, croit qu'elle peut voler, mais tout le monde lui dit qu'elle ne peut pas. Ecoutera-t-elle les sceptiques ou croira-t-elle suffisamment en elle pour faire de son rEve une rEalitE ?
Une histoire inspirante, magnifiquement illustrEe, remplie d'espoir et de triomphe. Egalement disponible en livre de coloriage.
La petite licorne, Meela, croit qu'elle peut voler, mais tout le monde lui dit qu'elle ne peut pas. Ecoutera-t-elle les sceptiques ou croira-t-elle...
A different kind of dog story, this begins with the author's own dog viciously attacking her. With exquisite detail and profound honesty, she tells how and why this happened, and about the healing process that changed both their lives forever. It is a story of love, fear, hope, healing, and redemption.
If you love your dog, but he or she has serious behavioral issues and you're considering giving the dog up - or worse - read this book. You will see how everything can change and healing can begin.
A different kind of dog story, this begins with the author's own dog viciously attacking her. With exquisite detail and profound honesty, she tells...