Windy City Reviews: "Intriguing premise, clear conflict, and a sound resolution." Deep within the heart of an ancient city ruled by a powerful empire, a young orphan named Baltor struggles daily to survive, having to drink from animal troughs and steal food. Pursuant to imperial law, the minimum penalty for thievery means the loss of a hand...the maximum penalty is death As what happens to most thieves, the day inevitably comes when Baltor gets caught stealing-this time, a link of sausage. Thankfully he is not caught by a guard, but by a beautiful and exotic woman named Lady Lydia. She not...
Windy City Reviews: "Intriguing premise, clear conflict, and a sound resolution." Deep within the heart of an ancient city ruled by a powerful empire,...
WARNING--INTENDED FOR MATURE AUDIENCES ONLY. Living a life of poverty and headed for nowhere, Jeb Maruso, a.k.a. "The Solstice Slayer" chances upon a mysterious book that changes his life forever-one that promises him not only the secrets to self-transformation, but also the very secrets of the universe. The promises seem to hold true, as Jeb gains heightened intelligence and powers that motivate him to write a fantasy story, which rapidly becomes a #1 best-seller. While traveling abroad and enjoying his fame and fortune, however, he learns of a series of ritualistic murders in and around his...
WARNING--INTENDED FOR MATURE AUDIENCES ONLY. Living a life of poverty and headed for nowhere, Jeb Maruso, a.k.a. "The Solstice Slayer" chances upon a ...