This is a brand new compilation edition of the bestselling fantasy series The Dryad Quartet Get all four books (Breath of Air, Firefight in Darkness, A Life Earthbound, and Of Water and Madness) in one This compilation edition also includes beautiful illustrations and a brand new epilogue scene The Dryad Quartet is a contemporary fantasy series revolving around the fictional land of Euphora, where beings inspired by Greek mythology exist to preserve the balance of nature and human life, and to protect the living from the evil residing in the Underworld. Take a journey into a world where...
This is a brand new compilation edition of the bestselling fantasy series The Dryad Quartet Get all four books (Breath of Air, Firefight in Darkness,...
A short story collection following the lives and friendship of a band of six cats and six dogs.
Although life and humans happen, through it all they are always friends. Occasionally they find themselves in situations that Nikki, the little black Yorkie says, "shouldn't happen to a dog." But with the help and support of all the animals there is no situation, or "stew," from which they can't rescue each other.
A short story collection following the lives and friendship of a band of six cats and six dogs.