Eerie darkness creeps over the village of Maidenton as its two moons dip beneath the horizon. Darker still is the deception that enslaves its inhabitants. For centuries the cruel Keeon overlords have dominated the Kinsmen through mind-control and torture. This is all that Beem and his friends have ever known - until they stumble upon a buried secret that will completely change their lives in one catastrophic event. Risking all, seven young adventurers descend below the planet's surface. They encounter an elusive and terrifying stranger who opens up a world of mystery and power beyond their...
Eerie darkness creeps over the village of Maidenton as its two moons dip beneath the horizon. Darker still is the deception that enslaves its inhabita...
Darkness grips the small village of Maidenton. A foul presence has slipped unnoticed into Kinsmen society; a deception so clever and cunning, it is unknowingly embraced by the citizens and elders alike. The Keeon, spurred on by their Shallum overlords, have spun a web of lies which have bewitched the people. Corruption openly masquerades as righteousness while the truth of the Ancients is manipulated and concealed. This is the world Beem returns to - three years earlier than planned. He must stay alert and watch his step as he's been labeled a traitor... and a murderer. Confusion and...
Darkness grips the small village of Maidenton. A foul presence has slipped unnoticed into Kinsmen society; a deception so clever and cunning, it is un...