Cultivate the potential for deeper connection in every conversation.
"To think of conversation as a sacred art challenges us to imagine all the conversations in which we participate, from the acquaintance we run into at Target to the dialogue for which we've spent weeks in preparation, as a potentially sacred conversation." --from the Introduction
We often find ourselves distracted and overwhelmed by a constant stream of information and demand for connectivity. Now more than ever, we need to develop our capacity for greater presence in our daily lives and...
Cultivate the potential for deeper connection in every conversation.
"To think of conversation as a sacred art challenges us...
What are the qualities you need to live fully and lead authentically in our age?
"Is it possible for our institutions of work to become, in the words of American political analyst Yuval Levin, 'soul-forming institutions'? If so, what does leadership become? In this book, Dr. Millis clears a path and points the way for those willing to set out on this journey. The personal stories she asks us to ponder and put into practice transform abstract ideas such as 'deep engagement' into living realities. Leadership becomes a personal quest and...
What are the qualities you need to live fully and lead authentically in our age?
Diane M., PhD Millis The Rev Tilden, PhD Edwards Rev Tilden Edwards
Cultivate the potential for deeper connection in every conversation.
"To think of conversation as a sacred art challenges us to imagine all the conversations in which we participate, from the acquaintance we run into at Target to the dialogue for which we've spent weeks in preparation, as a potentially sacred conversation." --from the Introduction
We often find ourselves distracted and overwhelmed by a constant stream of information and demand for connectivity. Now more than ever, we need to develop our capacity for greater presence in our daily lives and...
Cultivate the potential for deeper connection in every conversation.
"To think of conversation as a sacred art challenges us...