An entertaining and engaging story about a little penguin, named Shackleton Boots, who lives in Antarctica and who doesn't like ice His Parents and Aunty find ways to help him adjust and enjoy the ice by giving him boots, fishing pole, and skis from the famous Explorer Earnest Shackleton's cabin (which still stands stocked and ready as they left it almost 100 years ago). When all else fails they help Boots escape the ice and cold to go and live in Hawaii.
An entertaining and engaging story about a little penguin, named Shackleton Boots, who lives in Antarctica and who doesn't like ice His Parents and A...
It's a beautiful day for you to be dropping in on Henge's home Meet her family and find out the very important thing that she's got planned for later No life is complete without God, and Henge's is no exception She's an ambitious little girl with big dreams.... Come and see where those dreams lead her
It's a beautiful day for you to be dropping in on Henge's home Meet her family and find out the very important thing that she's got planned for later...