Embarking on a road trip to meet a famous television evangelist, Alan Levy drops out of college and explores the multifaceted diversity of American culture, attempting to make sense of the world around him. Elements is a novel that spans a year in the life of the ignorant and perpetually confused young man who tries to bring about changes in his world, but manages to learn only that the root causes of his alienation and loneliness are within himself. Elements explores the landscape of post-9/11 America through the eyes of this young man's experiential hopelessness and emptiness by pulling the...
Embarking on a road trip to meet a famous television evangelist, Alan Levy drops out of college and explores the multifaceted diversity of American cu...
HE, FELT SCURRILITY is the story of a young woman caught in the shackles of indifference in small town USA. Still living with her mother and attending a community college, everything in her life seems to be taken care of. But she is careless of her surroundings and her life, until she meets an unusual lover that seems to turn her around in the most peculiar and tragic way. Covering themes of sprawl, empty relationships, the impossibility of modern communication, and of course love, this novella takes readers to an upside down world of dead malls and sleeping in cars that on second glance may...
HE, FELT SCURRILITY is the story of a young woman caught in the shackles of indifference in small town USA. Still living with her mother and attending...