Revised Edition, 2013 Author Ethan Holmes takes a humorous, witty yet realistic look at some personal issues. Life is full of choices which set us upon a certain path in every single category of our existence whether it is what we do for a living, what we own or want to own and who our friends and family are. Everything from media advertising to your upbringing as a child invites you to come over and sit in a warm tub of crap to help you make those choices. Want, need, should have and must have live right next door to inadequacy, perceptions of self-worth and what others think of you. What...
Revised Edition, 2013 Author Ethan Holmes takes a humorous, witty yet realistic look at some personal issues. Life is full of choices which set us upo...
Earth's Blood, Revised Edition 2013 This is no earthquake. This isn't a city getting jostled around and the survivors digging out the dead. It's not about the power going out for a week and then all is well again. This is Earth; ripe for the most catastrophic seismic event man has ever seen. Thousands of years of unreleased pressure setting the stage for a cataclysm that will change the entire planet and cause the human race to confront the looming possibility of its own extinction. In the aftermath of massively destructive tsunamis, violently active volcanoes, powerful tremors and seasons...
Earth's Blood, Revised Edition 2013 This is no earthquake. This isn't a city getting jostled around and the survivors digging out the dead. It's not a...
From Ethan Holmes, the author of the well-received post-apocalyptic novel, Earth's Blood, comes his latest release, Water. What would you do if you went to the faucet in your home and nothing came out? How would you react if you knew no water was ever going to come out again? How would you react if you couldn't buy water anywhere? If there is no water, no power, no food and only chaos in the streets, how will you survive? Read 'Water', the newest release from Ethan Holmes.
From Ethan Holmes, the author of the well-received post-apocalyptic novel, Earth's Blood, comes his latest release, Water. What would you do if you we...