"Bluntly satirical irresistibly fascinating seductive and engaging." New York Times Hugely entertaining, terribly funny, sarcastic, engaging, powerful, accusatory, judgmental, good National Review
A literary sensation. Haaretz
Catch the Jew recounts the adventures of gonzo journalist Tuvia Tenenbom, who wanders around Israel and the Palestinian Authority for seven months in search of the untold truths in today's Holy Land. With holy chutzpah, Tenenbom boldly goes where no Jew has gone before, at times risking his life as he assumes...
"Bluntly satirical irresistibly fascinating seductive and engaging." New York Times Hugely entertaining, terribly funny, sarcastic, engaging,...
Germany, the most racist of countries less than a century ago, has for the past two years welcomed over one million refugees, more than any other European country. To find out the secret behind this turn of character, Tuvia Tenenbom, a Jew born in Israel, presented himself as a Jordanian and was able to gain entry into many refugee camps. Living in squalid conditions in airless rooms, and with barely edible food, the refugees begged Tuvia to help them get out of the camps. When not with the refugees, Tuvia traveled through the land and mingled with the local people who shared with him that...
Germany, the most racist of countries less than a century ago, has for the past two years welcomed over one million refugees, more than any other Euro...