"Divided We Stand" by Howard Steinberg is a suspenseful, literary thriller. Political power plays, international intrigue, and sexual liaisons that catapult into murder are tightly plotted in this heart-pounding, action-packed thriller. The book takes place in the near future, and the United States no longer exists as we know it - now shattered into five contentious nations. Marcel Crisp, a multiracial renowned journalist, accepts a position in one of the new nation's governments, all the while secretly plotting with other patriots to re-unite the United States of America. Liberals and...
"Divided We Stand" by Howard Steinberg is a suspenseful, literary thriller. Political power plays, international intrigue, and sexual liaisons that ca...
Fueled by the electorate's ever-increasing demands for a pristine environment, Brannan Inman, the charismatic founder of The Forum for a Green America and the world's leading environmentalist, meticulously crafts and then pursues his lifelong plan to become the sovereign ruler of California. Brannan's intrigues drive the State of California to secede from the Union and an infuriated European Union to declare war on the United States. An unwitting minion in Brannan's cabal is chemist turned California Congressman, Richard Stovall, whose career and political agenda Brannan creates and then...
Fueled by the electorate's ever-increasing demands for a pristine environment, Brannan Inman, the charismatic founder of The Forum for a Green America...