in die Mineralogie (Kristallographie und Petrologie) von Carl W. Correns Unter Mitwirkung von Josef Zemann (Teil I) und Sigmund Koritnig (Mineraltabellen) Zweite Auflage Mit 391 Textabbildungen und einer Tafel Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg GmbH 1968 Dr, Dr, h. c. Carl W. Correns, Prof. em., Universitat Gottingen Dr, Josef Zemann, Prof., Universitat Wien Dr. Sigmund Koritnig, Prof., Universitat Gottingen ISBN 978-3-662-23826-4 ISBN 978-3-662-25929-0 (eBook) DOI 10. 1007/978-3-662-25929-0 Alle Reehte vorbehalten Kein Teil dieses Buches darf ohne schriftliche Genehmigung des...
in die Mineralogie (Kristallographie und Petrologie) von Carl W. Correns Unter Mitwirkung von Josef Zemann (Teil I) und Sigmund Koritnig (Mineraltabel...
To write an introductorytext coveringthe entire field of mineralogy, including crystallography, petrology, and ore deposits, may seem presumptuous to many today. The fact that the author has taught this subject regularly through lectures and Iaboratories for 22 years is not in itself sufficient reason in his view. The motivation to do so arose out of the necessity to provide for students of this science and sister sciences 80 single useful and comprehensive book. Previous texts have been designed with subjects selected to conform to the courses taught at German Universities. It is...
To write an introductorytext coveringthe entire field of mineralogy, including crystallography, petrology, and ore deposits, may seem presumptuous to ...