This seminal work documents the clandestine sea borne operations undertaken by South Africa s 4 Reconnaissance Commando Regiment. It breathtakingly reveals the versatility and effectiveness of this elite unit which worked with a range of other South African and Rhodesian forces, including the Rhodesian SAS, to engage in a range of raiding and war fighting activities. These operations saw the clandestine reconnaissance of harbors, the sinking of enemy shipping and the destruction of shore installations in Angola and Mozambique. Just some of the tasks undertaken by this extraordinary maritime...
This seminal work documents the clandestine sea borne operations undertaken by South Africa s 4 Reconnaissance Commando Regiment. It breathtakingly re...
Recent developments in air pollution modelling are explored as a series of contributions from researchers at the forefront of their field. This newest contribution on air pollution modelling and its application is focused on local, urban, regional and intercontinental modelling; data assimilation and air quality forecasting; model assessment and evaluation; aerosol transformation. Additionally, this work also examines the relationship between air quality and human health and the effects of climate change on air quality. The work derives from a series of papers presented at the...
Recent developments in air pollution modelling are explored as a series of contributions from researchers at the forefront of their field. This new...
Recent developments in air pollution modelling are explored as a series of contributions from researchers at the forefront of their field. This newest contribution on air pollution modelling and its application is focused on local, urban, regional and intercontinental modelling; data assimilation and air quality forecasting; model assessment and evaluation; aerosol transformation. Additionally, this work also examines the relationship between air quality and human health and the effects of climate change on air quality. The work derives from a series of papers presented at the...
Recent developments in air pollution modelling are explored as a series of contributions from researchers at the forefront of their field. This new...
This volume contains the ten most cited articles to appear in the journal Atmosphere-Ocean since 1995. These articles cover a wide range of topics in meteorology, climatology and oceanography. Modelling work is represented in five papers, covering global climate model development; a cumulus parameterization scheme for global climate models; development of a regional forecast modelling system and parameterization of peatland hydraulic processes for climate models. Data rehabilitation and compilation in order to support trend analysis work on comprehensive precipitation and...
This volume contains the ten most cited articles to appear in the journal Atmosphere-Ocean since 1995. These articles cover a wide range of ...