"Geld" ist in modernen Volkswirtschaft einerseits unbestrittene Notwendigkeit, andererseits Objekt sowohl sachlicher wie auch emotionaler Diskussion. Dieses Buch stellt das Geld der Kreditgeldwirtschaft in seiner Universalitat vor. Dabei ergeben sich Problemlosungen auch zu den Randerscheinungen der Geldwirtschaft, die vorhier nicht oder nicht in vollem Umfang moglich waren. Die "Geldeckungsproblematik" etwa konnte in Bezug auf das heute umlaufende Geld bisher keiner vernunftgereichten Losung zugefuhrt werden. Der Autor gibt eine intersubjektiv akzeptierbare Antwort. Er beschaftigt sich zudem...
"Geld" ist in modernen Volkswirtschaft einerseits unbestrittene Notwendigkeit, andererseits Objekt sowohl sachlicher wie auch emotionaler Diskussion. ...
This book tells the story of the power generation gas turbine from the perspective of one of the leading companies in the field over a period of nearly 100 years, written by an engineer. Especially in times of imminent global economic crises it appears to be worthwhile to reflect on real economic values based on engineering ingenuity and enduring management of technological leadership.
This book tells the story of the power generation gas turbine from the perspective of one of the leading companies in the field over a period of ne...
This book tells the story of the power generation gas turbine from the perspective of one of the leading companies in the field over a period of nearly 100 years, written by an engineer. Especially in times of imminent global economic crises it appears to be worthwhile to reflect on real economic values based on engineering ingenuity and enduring management of technological leadership.
Though the book is primarily designed as a technical history of the BBC/ABB/Alstom power generation gas turbines, its scope is sufficiently broad to cover general development trends, including...
This book tells the story of the power generation gas turbine from the perspective of one of the leading companies in the field over a period of ne...
Das vorliegende Werk hat zum Ziel, die erkenntnistheoretische Basis zu schaffen für den Aufbau eines Weltwissens, das dezidiert lebensnah und praxisbezogen ist.
Das vorliegende Werk hat zum Ziel, die erkenntnistheoretische Basis zu schaffen für den Aufbau eines Weltwissens, das dezidiert lebensnah und praxisb...
The present book describes the development history of turbojet engines, mainly in the web-type triangle Great Britain (USA) - Germany - Switzerland from early beginnings in the 1920s up to the first practical usage in the 1950s, before the still unbroken, grand impact of aero propulsion technology on global air traffic started. interconnections are highlighted, including the considerable impact of axial-flow compressor design know-how of the Swiss/German company BBC Brown Boveri & Cie. on both sides.The author reveals significant undercurrents which led to a considerable exchange, and thus...
The present book describes the development history of turbojet engines, mainly in the web-type triangle Great Britain (USA) - Germany - Switzerland fr...