Caminos hacia la Recuperacion guia a los lectores a traves de un proceso de autoevaluacion, autodescubrimiento y planificacion. A diferencia de otros materiales de recuperacion de autoayuda, Caminos no se concentra en los trastornos, sintomas o tratamientos psiquiatricos sino que ayuda a los individuos a establecer objetivos en sus vidas y a hacer realidad sus suenos. Caminos hacia la Recuperacion incluye ideas para sobrealimentar el viaje de recuperacion. Los lectores encontraran ejercicios y sugerencias sobre humor, creatividad, reduccion del estres, visualizacion y celebracion. Caminos...
Caminos hacia la Recuperacion guia a los lectores a traves de un proceso de autoevaluacion, autodescubrimiento y planificacion. A diferencia de otros ...
"Before I heard of Pathways, my mental illness defined me. When I started the workbook, I realized my recovery defined me. By the time I finished it, I realized I could define my own life." Pathways Reader This quote by a reader of Pathways to Recovery points to the impact the workbook-and its accompanying group facilitator's guide-continue to have for individuals who experience symptoms associated with mental illnesses. Now in its sixth printing, the workbook has developed a strong and loyal following. In 2003, Pathways was listed as one of the top three national recovery education tools by...
"Before I heard of Pathways, my mental illness defined me. When I started the workbook, I realized my recovery defined me. By the time I finished it, ...
Before I heard of Pathways, my mental illness defined me. When I started the workbook, I realized my recovery defined me. By the time I finished it, I realized I could define my own life.- This quote by a reader of Pathways to Recovery points to the impact the workbook-and its accompanying group facilitator's guide-continue to have for individuals who experience symptoms associated with mental illnesses. Now in its sixth printing, the workbook has developed a strong and loyal following. In 2003, Pathways was listed as one of the top three national recovery education tools by the Center for...
Before I heard of Pathways, my mental illness defined me. When I started the workbook, I realized my recovery defined me. By the time I finished it, I...
Now in Chinese. -Before I heard of Pathways, my mental illness defined me. When I started the workbook, I realized my recovery defined me. By the time I finished it, I realized I could define my own life.- This quote by a reader of Pathways to Recovery points to the impact the workbook-and its accompanying group facilitator's guide-continue to have for individuals who experience symptoms associated with mental illnesses. Now in its sixth printing, the workbook has developed a strong and loyal following. In 2003, Pathways was listed as one of the top three national recovery education tools by...
Now in Chinese. -Before I heard of Pathways, my mental illness defined me. When I started the workbook, I realized my recovery defined me. By the time...