Transported to another world, five middle school friends become Wielders of magic creatures called phasers. Together they form a league team called the Dreamers and learn to battle using their phasers. With no way home, they are just trying to make their way in this new world, one adventure at a time. Oh wait, they just stepped through a portal and are home, sort of. What will happen now that they are back? Why are their phasers still out? Will they finally find the answers to all their questions?
Transported to another world, five middle school friends become Wielders of magic creatures called phasers. Together they form a league team called th...
Transported to another world, five middle school friends become Wielders of magic creatures called phasers. Together they form a league team called the Dreamers and learn to battle using their phasers. With no way home, they are just trying to make their way in this new world, one adventure at a time. Four years have passed in four days Everything seems to have changed in Silver Town. Enemies lurk in every corner while old friends are hard to find. Will the Dreamers save the day or be brought down by what defeated their friends?
Transported to another world, five middle school friends become Wielders of magic creatures called phasers. Together they form a league team called th...