Signos de deficiencia de vitamina B12 Quen esta en riesgo - Por que - Que puede hacerse Vegetarianos estrictos Hijos recien nacidos de madres vegetarianas estrictas Personas de la tercera edad Pacientes en dialisis Mujeres embarazadas Esta Ud. mismo, o alguien de su familia dentro de esos grupos? Si lo estan, entonces corren riesgo de sufrir una deficiencia severa de vitamina B12 . Los signos de deficiencia pueden tomar distintas formas, desde la anemia, que lo/a hace sentir cansado/a todo el tiempo y absolutamente sin energia, pasando por dano neurologico en los bebes de vegetarianas...
Signos de deficiencia de vitamina B12 Quen esta en riesgo - Por que - Que puede hacerse Vegetarianos estrictos Hijos recien nacidos de madres vegetari...
What IS Extra Virgin Olive Oil? How Do We USE It? WHY Is It Good For Us? How Do We Know What We're Buying Is REALLY What It Says It Is? Extra Virgin Olive Oil Explained is NOT a cook book. There are no recipes for cooking in the Mediterranean style. There are no pizza recipes. This book answers these and many other questions If anything, you could say this book is a celebration of the benefits the lowly little olive showers on those who embrace its many flavors and colors by using it - both internally (by eating it) and externally (by rubbing it on their skin and in their hair). The health...
What IS Extra Virgin Olive Oil? How Do We USE It? WHY Is It Good For Us? How Do We Know What We're Buying Is REALLY What It Says It Is? Extra Virgin O...