Taking the pulse of current efforts to do and, in some cases, undo critical literacy, this volume explores and critiques its implementation in learning contexts around the globe. An impressive set of international authors offer examples of productive critical literacy practices in and out of schools, address the tensions and gaps between these practices and educational policies, and attempt to forecast the future for critical literacy as a movement in the changing global educational policy landscape. This collection is unique in presenting the recent work of luminaries such as Allan Luke...
Taking the pulse of current efforts to do and, in some cases, undo critical literacy, this volume explores and critiques its implementation in lear...
Taking the pulse of current efforts to do-and, in some cases, undo-critical literacy, this volume explores and critiques its implementation in learning contexts around the globe. An impressive set of international authors offer examples of productive critical literacy practices in and out of schools, address the tensions and gaps between these practices and educational policies, and attempt to forecast the future for critical literacy as a movement in the changing global educational policy landscape. This collection is unique in presenting the recent work of luminaries such as Allan Luke...
Taking the pulse of current efforts to do-and, in some cases, undo-critical literacy, this volume explores and critiques its implementation in lear...