The third edition of this monograph continues to have the goal of providing an overview of current thought about the spinal cord mechanisms that are responsible for sensory processing. We hope that the book is of value to both basic and clinical neuroscientists. Several changes have been made in the presentation, as well as additions because of the research advances that have been made during the past decade. Chapters 3 and 4 in the previous edition have been subdivided, and now the morphology of primary afferent neu rons of the dorsal root ganglia is described in Chapter 3 and the chemical...
The third edition of this monograph continues to have the goal of providing an overview of current thought about the spinal cord mechanisms that are r...
The third edition of this monograph continues to have the goal of providing an overview of current thought about the spinal cord mechanisms that are responsible for sensory processing. We hope that the book is of value to both basic and clinical neuroscientists. Several changes have been made in the presentation, as well as additions because of the research advances that have been made during the past decade. Chapters 3 and 4 in the previous edition have been subdivided, and now the morphology of primary afferent neu- rons of the dorsal root ganglia is described in Chapter 3 and the chemical...
The third edition of this monograph continues to have the goal of providing an overview of current thought about the spinal cord mechanisms that are r...
As stated in the preface to the first edition, the goal of this monograph is to provide an overview of current thought about the spinal cord mechanisms responsible for sensory processing. We hope that the book will be of value to both basic neuroscientists and clinicians. The organization of the monograph has followed the original plan in most respects, although the emphasis has changed with respect to many topics because of recent advances. In particular, a substantial increase in the number of investigations of the dorsal root ganglion has led us to devote a chapter to this topic. The...
As stated in the preface to the first edition, the goal of this monograph is to provide an overview of current thought about the spinal cord mechanism...