Recent debates in security policy have highlighted trends towards fragmentation, informalisation and privatisation in the diverse field of security policy, with its increasingly transnational security risks. In this context, the concept of security governance has risen to prominence and has inspired much valuable research. Yet, there are not only very different conceptual understandings of security governance; there is also a lack of clarity regarding its empirical manifestations and normative connotations.
After a decade of research, this book therefore puts security governance to the...
Recent debates in security policy have highlighted trends towards fragmentation, informalisation and privatisation in the diverse field of security...
European states and international organizations have established multiple policies and mechanisms to deal with various risks, crises and disasters. This edited volume examines the emerging multi-level policy space of European civil security governance, identifying patterns and reviewing the opportunities and obstacles for cooperation.
European states and international organizations have established multiple policies and mechanisms to deal with various risks, crises and disasters. Th...
Das Lehrbuch gibt einen differenzierten, ubersichtlichen und verstandlichen Uberblick uber Stand und Probleme des Wissens zu Terrorismus und Terrorismusbekampfung. Terroristische Gewalt steht weiterhin hoch auf der politischen und medialen Agenda, bleibt jedoch gleichzeitig ein komplexes und schwieriges Phanomen. Entlang zentraler wissenschaftlicher und politischer Fragen und Kontroversen bietet das Buch eine einfuhrende Darstellung dazu, was Terrorismus eigentlich ist, welche Gefahr er tatsachlich darstellt, wie er sich erklaren lasst und was man dagegen tun kann. Es stellt zentrale Befunde...
Das Lehrbuch gibt einen differenzierten, ubersichtlichen und verstandlichen Uberblick uber Stand und Probleme des Wissens zu Terrorismus und Terrorism...