Veteran teacher Katrina Ayres showcases her disastrous first year of teaching in rural Hawaii on the island of Molokai. Somehow, her teacher training hadn't prepared her for The Monster Copier, Matthew the Plane-Hurler, The Student Who Finishes Everything Early, and eighty hour workweeks. At the end of each chapter, Katrina explains where her New Teacher Self went wrong and offers time-saving, practical hints and tricks they don't teach you in teacher college.
Veteran teacher Katrina Ayres showcases her disastrous first year of teaching in rural Hawaii on the island of Molokai. Somehow, her teacher training ...
This book is a collection 37 short hints and tips about how to be an effective teacher. It covers essential classroom management topics for teachers, such as how to handle a new student, how to regroup after Spring Break, what to answer when students ask "Why do we have to do this," how to spend less time shuffling papers, whether or not to have a seating chart, and much more. Each of these time-tested, proven ideas comes from years of experience in the classroom. Ideal for new teachers and teachers who are looking for fresh ideas that really work.
This book is a collection 37 short hints and tips about how to be an effective teacher. It covers essential classroom management topics for teachers, ...
This book (previously published in eBook format under the title "Classroom Management Strategies That Work: Strategy 1-Classroom Routines") is for classroom teachers who want to prevent behavior issues and discipline problems instead of just reacting when things go wrong. If you are tired of theoretical books and are ready for some real-world strategies to gain control of your class immediately, this book is for you. You will learn a five-step process to create classroom management plans that will work for your unique situation. This process was created by an actual classroom teacher and is...
This book (previously published in eBook format under the title "Classroom Management Strategies That Work: Strategy 1-Classroom Routines") is for cla...