The Routledge Intermediate to Advanced Japanese Reader: A Genre-Based Approach to Reading as a Social Practice is designed for intermediate to advanced learners of Japanese and presents twenty-five authentic texts taken from a wide range of media and literary sources, which promote a deeper understanding of Japan among readers. The book is divided into ten genre-based chapters, allowing the learner to focus on the textual features relevant to that genre.
Key features include:
Selected texts covering topics related to Japanese language, society and culture encountered in the...
The Routledge Intermediate to Advanced Japanese Reader: A Genre-Based Approach to Reading as a Social Practice is designed for intermediate to adva...
Putting a multiliteracies framework at the center of the world language curriculum, this volume brings together college-level curricular innovations and classroom projects that address differences in meaning and worldviews expressed in learners' primary and target languages. Offering a rich understanding of languages, genres, and modalities as socioculturally situated semiotic systems, it advocates an effective pedagogy for developing learners' abilities to operate between languages. Chapters showcase curricula that draw on a multiliteracies framework and present various classroom projects...
Putting a multiliteracies framework at the center of the world language curriculum, this volume brings together college-level curricular innovation...
Putting a multiliteracies framework at the center of the world language curriculum, this volume brings together college-level curricular innovations and classroom projects that address differences in meaning and worldviews expressed in learners' primary and target languages. Offering a rich understanding of languages, genres, and modalities as socioculturally situated semiotic systems, it advocates an effective pedagogy for developing learners' abilities to operate between languages. Chapters showcase curricula that draw on a multiliteracies framework and present various classroom projects...
Putting a multiliteracies framework at the center of the world language curriculum, this volume brings together college-level curricular innovation...