Captain John Harris, special forces A team leader, finds himself in a strange and unknown world when his convoy encounters a time gate in the middle of East Africa. He struggles to keep everyone together in spite of the attempts of Colonel David Walsh, MD, to assume command. Just before leaving for Africa, Harris received a "Dear John" letter from his fiancee, Morning Star. His second in command and blood brother, Captain Jerome Roundtree, a Lakota Sioux, is Morning Star's cousin. Harris is determined to get back to rectify his relationship with Morning Star. But he needs boats to reach the...
Captain John Harris, special forces A team leader, finds himself in a strange and unknown world when his convoy encounters a time gate in the middle o...
Captain John Harris, special forces A team leader, finds himself in a strange and unknown world when his convoy encounters a time gate in the middle of East Africa. He struggles to keep everyone together in spite of the attempts of Colonel David Walsh, MD, to assume command. Just before leaving for Africa, Harris received a "Dear John" letter from his fiancee, Morning Star. His second in command and blood brother, Captain Jerome Roundtree, a Lakota Sioux, is Morning Star's cousin. Harris is determined to get back to rectify his relationship with Morning Star. But he needs boats to reach the...
Captain John Harris, special forces A team leader, finds himself in a strange and unknown world when his convoy encounters a time gate in the middle o...
STRIKE AT THE HEART Colonel John Harris, U.S. Army Special Forces, goes back in time to retrieve his lost men. But something is blocking their way from leaving. Some blame the ghost of Harris's adversary, Mhalglami, and some blame the land gone wild. Harris is afraid that this time they may bring back more than they bargained for. Usa, both Teri and Masai, longs for a world where her mixed heritage does not matter. Although promised to N'Grundbligimi since childhood, their marriage is opposed by powerful forces from both within and outside the tribe. She wants to pursue her dreams. But will...
STRIKE AT THE HEART Colonel John Harris, U.S. Army Special Forces, goes back in time to retrieve his lost men. But something is blocking their way fro...
STRIKE AT THE HEART Colonel John Harris, U.S. Army Special Forces, goes back in time to retrieve his lost men. But something is blocking their way from leaving. Some blame the ghost of Harris's adversary, Mhalglami, and some blame the land gone wild. Harris is afraid that this time they may bring back more than they bargained for. Usa, both Teri and Masai, longs for a world where her mixed heritage does not matter. Although promised to N'Grundbligimi since childhood, their marriage is opposed by powerful forces from both within and outside the tribe. She wants to pursue her dreams. But will...
STRIKE AT THE HEART Colonel John Harris, U.S. Army Special Forces, goes back in time to retrieve his lost men. But something is blocking their way fro...