On a sultry August day in the summer of 1836, a young boy from the countryside of Bordeaux, France is abandoned to his fate on the streets of Paris. Far from being a "City of Light," for the poor and the homeless the streets of Paris are a dangerous and unforgiving place. For 11-year old Lucien they are now an amazing new home. Before being abandoned by his jealous older cousin, Lucien enjoyed a life of privilege. Raised as a young gentleman by his, wealthy, uncle, who took who took him in after he is orphaned, the old man instills in Lucien the values that will ultimately be his salvation....
On a sultry August day in the summer of 1836, a young boy from the countryside of Bordeaux, France is abandoned to his fate on the streets of Paris. F...
"Fox and Lucien, Beyond the Gates of Hercules," picks up where "A Fox in Paris" leaves off. Lucien is now away at school, struggling not only with his school work, but also his changing feelings toward the world and himself. Fox too, is not content. Trapped far from his best friend, he now spends his days idly laying about their family's luxurious home, without a care in the world, and he hates it. Secretly, both Fox and Lucien miss their adventurous days together on the streets of Paris, and on the rare occasions that Lucien comes home to visit, the two are inseparable, spending their time...
"Fox and Lucien, Beyond the Gates of Hercules," picks up where "A Fox in Paris" leaves off. Lucien is now away at school, struggling not only with his...