Get advice from the best in the business on every stage of the novel-writing and publishing process
In The Complete Handbook of Novel Writing, 3rd Edition, you'll learn from established writers about how to make your novel a reality. Discover techniques and strategies for generating ideas, connecting with readers emotionally, and finding inspiration you need to finish your work. This fully revised edition includes an updated marketing section for navigating the unique challenges and possibilities of the evolving literary marketplace.
Inside you'll find...
Get advice from the best in the business on every stage of the novel-writing and publishing process
All writers bring a unique set of skills to their work: One author might write outstanding characters, while another might dazzle with dialogue. You don't have to master every aspect of the craft in order to succeed, but the one quality required of every writer is a compelling, original voice. Your voice, which is often difficult to define and even more difficult to master, can transform your writing from pedestrian to powerful.
In Writing Voice, you'll discover effective instruction and advice from...
Develop a voice that captures readers' attention
All writers bring a unique set of skills to their work: One author might write ou...