Die Analysen des vorliegenden Bandes bieten zahlreiche Perspektiven auf das relativ neue Politikfeld "Maritime Sicherheit" und schliessen eine bestehende Forschungslucke in Deutschland. Im ersten Kapitel werden theoretische Analysemodelle zur maritimen Sicherheit diskutiert. Anschliessend nahern sich die Autorinnen und Autoren dem maritimen Raum wobei sie der wirtschaftlichen, rechtlichen und geostrategischen Dimension nachgehen. Der dritte Abschnitt legt den Schwerpunkt auf transnationale Herausforderungen, die maritime Unsicherheit bedingen: organisierte Kriminalitat, Piraterie,...
Die Analysen des vorliegenden Bandes bieten zahlreiche Perspektiven auf das relativ neue Politikfeld "Maritime Sicherheit" und schliessen eine bestehe...
This new handbook provides a comprehensive overview of the issues facing naval strategy and security in the twenty-first century.
Featuring contributions from some of the world s premier researchers and practitioners in the field of naval strategy and security, this handbook covers naval security issues in diverse regions of the world, from the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean to the Arctic and the piracy-prone waters off East Africa s coast. It outlines major policy challenges arising from competing claims, transnational organized crime and maritime terrorism, and details national...
This new handbook provides a comprehensive overview of the issues facing naval strategy and security in the twenty-first century.
This book examines US naval strategy and the role of American seapower over three decades, from the late 20th century to the early 21st century.
This study uses the concept of seapower as a framework to explain the military and political application of sea power and naval force for the United States of America. It addresses the context in which strategy, and in particular US naval strategy and naval power, evolves and how US naval strategy was developed and framed in the international and national security contexts. It explains what drove and what constrained US naval strategy and...
This book examines US naval strategy and the role of American seapower over three decades, from the late 20th century to the early 21st century.