The Handy Credit Repair Handbook explains the differences between the various credit scoring systems, teaches you how to obtain your credit score and reports, file credit report disputes and much more. Detailed information is provided on how to navigate the websites of each of the major credit reporting agencies, whether requesting a report or filing a dispute. In addition to the instructional information, The Handy Credit Repair Handbook provides a wealth of useful credit tips; such as how to save money and improve your credit score at the same time by using store credit cards, how not to...
The Handy Credit Repair Handbook explains the differences between the various credit scoring systems, teaches you how to obtain your credit score and ...
The Handy Happiness Handbook is designed to equip those who are pursuing happiness with the tools to achieve it. Obtaining happiness is no easy feat, it takes courage, energy, determination, and a bit of luck. The right to pursue happiness is guaranteed to everyone; the ability to catch it is not. The tools and discussions within are a valuable resource to anyone who may be finding happiness elusive.
The Handy Happiness Handbook is designed to equip those who are pursuing happiness with the tools to achieve it. Obtaining happiness is no easy feat, ...