VIR-TAN-ZA (vur-TAHN-z ) n. neologism, a newly coined term] 1. A condition, state, or attitude of truth, financial success, and customer loyalty among business-to-business sales professionals. 2. Courage in the face of adverse business cycles or uncommon challenges. 3. Commitment to the highest degree of preparedness in business dealings resulting in outstanding professional and personal achievement. 4. A process for creating exceptional solutions to sales challenges, exceeding a customer's expectations. From Latin vir, "strength, heroic courage," veritas, "truth," and bonus, "a great good,...
VIR-TAN-ZA (vur-TAHN-z ) n. neologism, a newly coined term] 1. A condition, state, or attitude of truth, financial success, and customer loyalty amon...
VIR-TAN-ZA (vur-TAHN-z ) n. neologism, a newly coined term] 1. A condition, state, or attitude of truth, financial success, and customer loyalty among business-to-business sales professionals. 2. Courage in the face of adverse business cycles or uncommon challenges. 3. Commitment to the highest degree of preparedness in business dealings resulting in outstanding professional and personal achievement. 4. A process for creating exceptional solutions to sales challenges, exceeding a customer's expectations. From Latin vir, "strength, heroic courage," veritas, "truth," and bonus, "a great good,...
VIR-TAN-ZA (vur-TAHN-z ) n. neologism, a newly coined term] 1. A condition, state, or attitude of truth, financial success, and customer loyalty amon...