Cole Dyami is a mysterious boy with a dangerous secret. Adeline Jasely is a typical teenage girl. Living in the seemingly normal small town of Great Falls Montana, Adeline is confronted with everyday teenage problems by a not so normal beautiful boy. As Adeline and Cole's worlds collide, the line between illusion and reality is blurred. According to a tribal legend, Adeline and Cole are no longer two friends, but two pieces in a complicated mystery. Suddenly, Adeline finds herself in a world she never knew existed. Alongside Cole, she attempts to unravel the mysteries of the small Chippewa...
Cole Dyami is a mysterious boy with a dangerous secret. Adeline Jasely is a typical teenage girl. Living in the seemingly normal small town of Great F...
This war is far from over. This war is only the beginning. For Adeline Jasely, the threat of both her life and the lives of those she loves is only getting greater as she delves deeper and deeper into the mysteries of the Chippewa tribe. As she falls more in love with Cole, she must make a choice: stand up and fight for what is right or wait for the next person she loves to be taken away. Book Two in the Forget Me Not Trilogy, Morning Glory continues the saga of Adeline and Cole, their newfound love, and the threat of those who wish to end it all. Will Adeline grow stronger under the threat...
This war is far from over. This war is only the beginning. For Adeline Jasely, the threat of both her life and the lives of those she loves is only ge...