This is volume I of a series of stories under the title: Tales from Ancient Egypt. It is an adaptation of an anceint Egyptian text; a story of a fight between 2 scribes (one dead, one alive), over a book of magic, envolving lots of magic and sorcery. It is addressed to children of 14-15 years and older.
This is volume I of a series of stories under the title: Tales from Ancient Egypt. It is an adaptation of an anceint Egyptian text; a story of a fight...
This is Volume II of Samir Sobhy's series Tales from Ancient Egypt. While Volume I contained only one story, this volume presents three shorter ones. As in the first volume, magic, adventure, Kings and their court animate all three stories, with suspense and packed-action. The first tale is about a neighboring princess who is possessed by an evil spirit, and one of the Gods of Egypt is requested by the Pharaoh to go and cure her. The second tale is about a prince who was predestined by the Gods to die young, but his wife attempts to save him. The third story is about King Cheops - builder of...
This is Volume II of Samir Sobhy's series Tales from Ancient Egypt. While Volume I contained only one story, this volume presents three shorter ones. ...
Les evenements de la piece se deroulent dans un pays imaginaire sur trois jours, a l'occasion d'une ceremonie celebrant le cinquieme anniversaire de 'l'intronisation' du chef de l'etat en 'empereur'. En fait, cet 'empereur' s'etait declare tel lui-meme, trois mois apres un coup d'etat accompli par son groupe de camarades d'un village du pays. Il maintient son pouvoir grace a un regime oppressif, ou regne la terreur menee par son sanguinaire Chef des Etats-majors de l'armee, qui est en meme temps son cousin et ami d'enfance. Des les premieres scenes, on sent une tension qui monte, malgre les...
Les evenements de la piece se deroulent dans un pays imaginaire sur trois jours, a l'occasion d'une ceremonie celebrant le cinquieme anniversaire de '...
This short story touches upon several subjects of concern to children: the love of knowledge, respect of work, and the sense of responsibility, especially towards one's parents. All these are useful issues to all of us, especially to the young ones, in their present and future. The story tells us about Senofer, a smart boy of ten, who loves reading, and how he was allowed to read pages from a magic book, written by the God of Knowledge and Wisdom in Ancient Egypt.
This short story touches upon several subjects of concern to children: the love of knowledge, respect of work, and the sense of responsibility, especi...
This short story is all about friendship. It underlines the importance of friendship to all of us, especially to the young ones. It seeks to remind them to always keep the friends they make throughout their life as very dear 'treasures' that should be protected and nourished; and that one should never let anything spoil friendship. The story tells us about Sobeck, a young crocodile living in the lake of a Pharaoh, together with three other young crocodiles, and how their friendship was threatened. The setting is Ancient Egypt, where crocodiles were sacred, and to whom ancient Egyptians gave...
This short story is all about friendship. It underlines the importance of friendship to all of us, especially to the young ones. It seeks to remind th...
In Arabic, "Al Sultan Wal Sayyaf" (The Sultan and the Executioner), is written in three acts, and a total of fourteen, rather short, scenes (5, 4, and 5). Borrowing from the settings of "One Thousand and One Night," the play is filled with the usual characters: a sultan; his vizier, wives, slave girls, etc. These colorful characters populate the rooms of the sultan's palace, which are vibrating with music and song, as well as jealousy and intrigue. Though somewhat of a tale, this is not an adventure, but rather a psychological presentation of a sudden, unlikely, and all-engulfing friendship...
In Arabic, "Al Sultan Wal Sayyaf" (The Sultan and the Executioner), is written in three acts, and a total of fourteen, rather short, scenes (5, 4, and...
Ce petit recueille de vingt poemes cherche a rendre la poesie plus familiere aux jeunes lecteurs; a les encourager a lire et apprecier davantage cette forme litteraire; a les amuser et divertir en presentant des sujets qui leur sont proches, dans un melange de serieux et d'humour. Beaucoup des vingt poemes sont descriptifs, mais quelques-uns incitent a la reflexion. Les poemes parlent de la nature (les champs, les arbres, les fleurs, etc.), des etres vivants autres que les humains (animaux, oiseaux, etc.); d'etudier (l'ecole, les etudes, les mots, etc.), des phenomenes naturels (les saisons,...
Ce petit recueille de vingt poemes cherche a rendre la poesie plus familiere aux jeunes lecteurs; a les encourager a lire et apprecier davantage cette...
Having evolved from Caveman to his present reincarnation, Man has been on a non-stop - almost sacred - Quest: the search for Happiness Some are sure to have found it (in money, power, piety, etc.), some claim to have found it then lost it (a number of times ); to others, it remained totally elusive. Happiness is the main theme of all the short stories in this collection. Since the subject is practically limitless - the source of happiness can really be anything - a selection had to be made. In "The Quest," Samir Sobhy gives some poignant examples, or samples, of happiness, trying to find...
Having evolved from Caveman to his present reincarnation, Man has been on a non-stop - almost sacred - Quest: the search for Happiness Some are sure...
Les douze Fables de cet ouvrage couvrent douze des droits contenus dans la Convention Internationale sur Les Droits de l'Enfant, adoptee par l'Assemblee Generale des Nations Unies en 1989. Elles ont ete concues en Afrique pour l'Afrique, ayant le continent africain comme toile de fond. Cependant, etant donne la nature universelle des droits de l'enfant, ces Fables s'adressent a tous ceux qui s'interessent au sujet, peu importe ou ils vivent. Le choix de la fable comme forme d'expression a ete dicte par l'importance des comptes et histoires dans la culture ouest africaine, ou les animaux...
Les douze Fables de cet ouvrage couvrent douze des droits contenus dans la Convention Internationale sur Les Droits de l'Enfant, adoptee par l'Assembl...
This is Samir Sobhy's second collection of haiku-inspired poems. He finds this minimalist Japanese form of poetry satisfying, allowing him to express what he wants to convey in his poetry. He particularly likes the power to tell a story or evoke emotion in just three lines. As in the first collection, the poems are in groups of themes. While most of the themes in the first were descriptive, giving prominence to nature, this collection leans more towards the reflective side. Both collections dwell on meditation melancholically. The mood in the present collection is darker than ever, except for...
This is Samir Sobhy's second collection of haiku-inspired poems. He finds this minimalist Japanese form of poetry satisfying, allowing him to express ...