Diary of a Barking Mad Dog Owner Due to his obsession with the hedgehog, Mr Mac was lead-walked in the garden first thing in the morning before the sun was quite up and as soon as it was dusk, when hedgehogs are likely to be around searching for food. Thus, you can imagine how mad I was when I arrived home from work on Friday, drove towards my gate and saw this half-flat, brown, spiky lump in the middle of the road. "Arrrgggghhhh " I shouted at it, "you stupid, stupid hedgehog " I parked my car in the drive and stomped back up the road. I was still shaking my head and ranting, "How could you...
Diary of a Barking Mad Dog Owner Due to his obsession with the hedgehog, Mr Mac was lead-walked in the garden first thing in the morning before the su...