The Making of the Modern Artist: Stephen Dedalus and Will Brangwen examines two fictional artists by James Joyce and D. H. Lawrence in A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man and D. H. Lawrence's The Rainbow respectively. It brings together Joyce and Lawrence in their common concern with the modern artist and modern art. Taking the two major artist characters of the two works, this study establishes that Joyce and Lawrence, irrespective of major background, educational, artistic and philosophical differences, converge on the person, character, artistic vision and working methods of the modern...
The Making of the Modern Artist: Stephen Dedalus and Will Brangwen examines two fictional artists by James Joyce and D. H. Lawrence in A Portrait of t...
Faultlines in Postcoloniality: Contemporary Readings is a collection of scholarly articles addressing fundamental postcolonial and/or postmodern concerns. The articles are nursed from the background of social, cultural, political, linguistic, ideological and literary tensions in the fabric that holds, or is supposed to hold, the human race and the world together. Variously expressed and exemplified, the articles point to a complex interplay of factors, all of which result in a certain degree of social and literary fragmentation, partly due to the absence of communication or the lack of the...
Faultlines in Postcoloniality: Contemporary Readings is a collection of scholarly articles addressing fundamental postcolonial and/or postmodern conce...