Set in Italy in the year 1977, "The Road to Chianti" follows two young orphans as they struggle to find a place to call home.
When their parents are killed in a devastating accident on the eve of the Epiphany, nine-year-old Alessandra DeSantis and her older brother, Salvatore, are left alone. With no one to care for them, the children soon end up in a run-down orphanage far from their home in Chianti. Still emotionally scarred from losing their parents, they now face an even greater challenge-the cruel Agostina, who works Alessandra and Salvatore to the point of exhaustion.
Set in Italy in the year 1977, "The Road to Chianti" follows two young orphans as they struggle to find a place to call home.
Set in Italy in the year 1977, "The Road to Chianti" follows two young orphans as they struggle to find a place to call home.
When their parents are killed in a devastating accident on the eve of the Epiphany, nine-year-old Alessandra DeSantis and her older brother, Salvatore, are left alone. With no one to care for them, the children soon end up in a run-down orphanage far from their home in Chianti. Still emotionally scarred from losing their parents, they now face an even greater challenge-the cruel Agostina, who works Alessandra and Salvatore to the point of exhaustion.
Set in Italy in the year 1977, "The Road to Chianti" follows two young orphans as they struggle to find a place to call home.