America, American society and American industry have all become diluted. What this means is that the country's political-social-economic situation no longer reflects the design and purpose our founding fathers intended. Many factors play into this problem; and Lou Gilde and Larry Gambone have successfully teamed up in an attempt to cite most of them:
1. The failure of the "Greatest Generation" to prevent the insidious creep of socialism;
2. The paradigm change from business/government cooperation to anti-business sentiment;
3. The failure of our...
The Dilution of America
America, American society and American industry have all become diluted. What this means is that the country's politic...
America, American society and American industry have all become diluted. What this means is that the country's political-social-economic situation no longer reflects the design and purpose our founding fathers intended. Many factors play into this problem; and Lou Gilde and Larry Gambone have successfully teamed up in an attempt to cite most of them:
1. The failure of the "Greatest Generation" to prevent the insidious creep of socialism;
2. The paradigm change from business/government cooperation to anti-business sentiment;
3. The failure of our...
The Dilution of America
America, American society and American industry have all become diluted. What this means is that the country's politic...