The story begins with a young engineer who works for a sales engineering company in New York City. He must make a quick trip to Australia to finalize the engineering design on a project that's destined for installation in the United States. His airplane is forced to make an emergency landing in Bali, Indonesia, due to volcanic eruption activity.
From that day on, his life will never be the same. A forbidden love and romance collide with old Indonesian mystic beliefs to make for an intriguing adventure, a journey that changes his life forever.
"Desota's Island "takes you in to see the...
The story begins with a young engineer who works for a sales engineering company in New York City. He must make a quick trip to Australia to finali...
The story begins with a young engineer who works for a sales engineering company in New York City. He must make a quick trip to Australia to finalize the engineering design on a project that's destined for installation in the United States. His airplane is forced to make an emergency landing in Bali, Indonesia, due to volcanic eruption activity.
From that day on, his life will never be the same. A forbidden love and romance collide with old Indonesian mystic beliefs to make for an intriguing adventure, a journey that changes his life forever.
"Desota's Island "takes you in to see the...
The story begins with a young engineer who works for a sales engineering company in New York City. He must make a quick trip to Australia to finali...