Many who strive to follow the Buddhist path experience barriers that frustrate their progress. The Self in No Self: Buddhist Heresies and Other Lessons of a Buddhist Life breaks out of the dogma of much Buddhist teaching to remove those barriers, making the path more accessible. If my true self is no self, than who am I? If what I observe is void, does reality have no substance? How can there be no right or wrong? Since I am not enlightened, how can I achieve serenity while subject to the forces of ego and culture? What do you mean that my perceptions are illusory...if I can't trust my...
Many who strive to follow the Buddhist path experience barriers that frustrate their progress. The Self in No Self: Buddhist Heresies and Other Lesson...
Each day, we are faced with moments when we need to make decisions about how we lead our lives...whether they concern our work, our personal relationships, or other aspects of our lives. How do we as Buddhists make those decisions? Do we listen to our ego, our learned experience, or our true Buddha nature? Since most of us are not enlightened or have even reached a stage approaching enlightenment this presents a very real challenge. Making Your Way in Life as a Buddhist is a practical guide to making those decisions consistent with the Buddhist path, rather than constantly falling off it...
Each day, we are faced with moments when we need to make decisions about how we lead our lives...whether they concern our work, our personal relations...
Much of the teaching many Buddhists receive doesn't really get to the core of our suffering. After years of practice, nothing much really changes. As the 17th century Zen Master Benkei said, "the feeling I get is that of scratching an itchy foot with my shoe on. The teachings don't strike home to the center, to the real marrow." Scratching the Itch: Getting to the Root of Our Suffering seeks to do just that. Scratching the Itch is based on teaching received from two Vietnamese Zen monks. They faced the power of our ego...the source of all our suffering...head on and urged us to surrender our...
Much of the teaching many Buddhists receive doesn't really get to the core of our suffering. After years of practice, nothing much really changes. As ...
Jede Wolke ein Traum" ist eine Einwanderergeschichte aus der Sicht zweier Katzenbruder, die, einst getrennt, wieder zusammenfinden wollen. Ihre Sehnsucht nach Heimat, einem Zuhause, aber auch nach Abenteuer teilen sie mit einer bunten Schar heimatloser Hafenbewohner in Italien. Von dort aus organisieren sie unter der Fuhrung eines indischen Flohmagiers eine Auswanderungsodyssee ins gelobte Land Deutschland. In dieser Geschichte verleiht der Autor nicht nur den mit uns lebenden Haustieren eine Stimme, sondern auch den weniger geschatzten grauen Mausen" unserer Unterwelt," die ein Dasein...
Jede Wolke ein Traum" ist eine Einwanderergeschichte aus der Sicht zweier Katzenbruder, die, einst getrennt, wieder zusammenfinden wollen. Ihre Sehnsu...