The Bridge Between is a story told by Mickey, the main character. At first, he is a young boy growing up in the predominately Christian western side of Mostar, Yugoslavia. His young years are marked by childish naivety and happiness, mischief and first love. His grandfather introduces him to the magical history and the significance of the Old Bridge, which connects the two halves of the city. Mickey eventually falls in love with Leila, a Muslim girl from East Mostar. The two are separated as the war begins. Mickey is drafted and forced to watch as the city, the Old Bridge, and his whole world...
The Bridge Between is a story told by Mickey, the main character. At first, he is a young boy growing up in the predominately Christian western side o...
The Bridge Between is a story told by Mickey, the main character. At first, he is a young boy growing up in the predominately Christian western side of Mostar, Yugoslavia. His young years are marked by childish naivety and happiness, mischief and first love. His grandfather introduces him to the magical history and the significance of the Old Bridge, which connects the two halves of the city. Mickey eventually falls in love with Leila, a Muslim girl from East Mostar. The two are separated as the war begins. Mickey is drafted and forced to watch as the city, the Old Bridge, and his whole world...
The Bridge Between is a story told by Mickey, the main character. At first, he is a young boy growing up in the predominately Christian western side o...