Soy un joven escritor que ama a los ninos y quieren ver a vivir una vida mas saludable, tanto emocional como fisicamente. Estoy casado y tiene seis hijos propios. He estado escribiendo desde hace bastante tiempo, pero este es un libro para mi segundo hijo."
Soy un joven escritor que ama a los ninos y quieren ver a vivir una vida mas saludable, tanto emocional como fisicamente. Estoy casado y tiene seis hi...
This book, A Little Girl, is about helping little girls appreciate who they are as a little girl. It is written to help make them feel and know how truly special they are as girls and how much they are beautifully and wonderfully made. As they transcend from childhood to womanhood, your words encourage them to grow up into a beautiful woman, and know that they are contributors to this world.
This book, A Little Girl, is about helping little girls appreciate who they are as a little girl. It is written to help make them feel and know how tr...