Twirly Whirly World, the series - A young mountain kid named William ?Billy? Goat moves with his Aunt & Uncle to what he considers the "Big City, Topsy Turvy Town." Sadly, he finds himself trying to survive in a paradoxical world, where one half of his persona is furious with his family for daring to move and drag him from his beloved mountains, where he can run and hide from all outsiders. The other half desperately wants to be an accepted member of society in the town he dreams of calling home, and where he longs to belong. As he makes new friends, and is introduced to the...
Twirly Whirly World, the series - A young mountain kid named William ?Billy? Goat moves with his Aunt & Uncle to what he considers th...
The Pumpkin King of Halloween is the second book in a series called "Twirly Whirly World." The setting for this series is a lovable area named "Topsy Turvy Town," where all the inhabitants live, play, work, talk and raise their families together in peace and happiness. The only difference is that they are a combination of animals, big and small, young and old, even tall and short. True to form, their older kids love to scare the younger ones. What is a better time to do so, than the eve of Halloween. Preston, Ferdie and Randy seize the chance to tell a tale, scary and full of fright to all...
The Pumpkin King of Halloween is the second book in a series called "Twirly Whirly World." The setting for this series is a lovable area named "Topsy ...