In a world filled with food, booze and a gazillion other distractions, Birth, Death and the Afterlife offers innovative approaches to living fully, peacefully, and loving unconditionally. "A wonderful book. Very comfortable and very deep. It's like having both your best friend and spiritual teacher sitting next to you on your couch, teaching you, reminding you of who you are and what's important in your life." -Robert Peterson, author of Out of Body Experiences "In my work both as a lawyer and a psychic, I have met with hundreds of people struggling with fears, addictions, and blocks, many of...
In a world filled with food, booze and a gazillion other distractions, Birth, Death and the Afterlife offers innovative approaches to living fully, pe...
In a world filled with food, booze and a gazillion other distractions, Birth, Death and the Afterlife offers innovative approaches to living fully, peacefully, and loving unconditionally. "A wonderful book. Very comfortable and very deep. It's like having both your best friend and spiritual teacher sitting next to you on your couch, teaching you, reminding you of who you are and what's important in your life." -Robert Peterson, author of Out of Body Experiences "In my work both as a lawyer and a psychic, I have met with hundreds of people struggling with fears, addictions, and blocks, many of...
In a world filled with food, booze and a gazillion other distractions, Birth, Death and the Afterlife offers innovative approaches to living fully, pe...