BESIDES old managers, overseers, and foresters there is another type of man which is disappearing more and more from the face of the earth, -the old servant. During my childhood, as I remember, my parents were served by one of those mammoths. After those mammoths there will soon be only bones in old cemeteries, in strata thickly covered with oblivion; from time to time investigators will dig them out. This old servant was called Mikolai Suhovolski; he was a noble from the noble village of Suha Vola, which he mentioned often in his stories. He came to my father from my grandfather of sacred...
BESIDES old managers, overseers, and foresters there is another type of man which is disappearing more and more from the face of the earth, -the old s...
It was the first hour after midnight when Pan Stanislav Polanyetski was approaching the residence in Kremen. During years of childhood he had been twice in that village, when his mother, a distant relative of the present owner of Kremen, was taking him home for vacation. Pan Stanislav tried to remember the place, but to do so was difficult. At night, by the light of the moon, everything took on an uncertain form. Over the bushes, fields, and meadows, a white mist was lying low, changing the whole region about into a shoreless lake, as it were, -an illusion increased by choruses of frogs in...
It was the first hour after midnight when Pan Stanislav Polanyetski was approaching the residence in Kremen. During years of childhood he had been twi...
On the Bright Shore by Henryk Sienkiewicz. This book is a reproduction of the original book published in 1898 and may have some imperfections such as marks or hand-written notes.
On the Bright Shore by Henryk Sienkiewicz. This book is a reproduction of the original book published in 1898 and may have some imperfections such as ...