The events of 1939 change Julia's life. Passions, loyalties and misunderstandings divert her down unexpected paths as she moves from childish innocence to adulthood against a backdrop of momentous political and social change. It is only in old age that she returns to her roots and discovers her true self. This is is a haunting tale of constancy against the odds in an unstable world. "It is evident from her writing that Sarah Hampton has led a full and adventurous life, and still does. That she is in her eighties makes the publication of her first novel an even more impressive achievement, and...
The events of 1939 change Julia's life. Passions, loyalties and misunderstandings divert her down unexpected paths as she moves from childish innocenc...
Let's Start Living the Gluten-Free Lifestyle Today Learn how to become a truly, healthy individual away from the perils of the deleterious effects of gluten in the body. People have practically become addicted to gluten, a constituent of wheat, barley, and rye, that they don't even know how harmful and dangerous it is to the body. Some may even be unaware how gluten has inflicted damage to their intestines and many parts of the body. But you know what, there is a solution. You will need to totally rid your life of gluten to reverse the effects of ingesting that dangerous gluten substance...
Let's Start Living the Gluten-Free Lifestyle Today Learn how to become a truly, healthy individual away from the perils of the deleterious effects of...
In Sarah Hampton's first novel, Julia touched the hearts of many. Now she returns, older but still engaged with life and those around her.
The arrival of a late-in-the-day grandson rejuvenates and enlivens Julia's declining years. Young Harry is as much an iconoclast as his grandmother; her desire to cherish and protect him leads her into conflict with both family and authority.
Picking at the Knot is a story of unconditional love across generations. It is also searingly honest about growing old, trying to make sense of the past and still seeking a purpose for the future.
In Sarah Hampton's first novel, Julia touched the hearts of many. Now she returns, older but still engaged with life and those around her.