L objectif de cet ouvrage est d explorer les multiples possibilites que l espace transnational a offert aux femmes au cours des trois derniers siecles caracterises par une mondialisation acceleree des echanges. Il propose un eclairage transnational aux etudes de genre en analysant les strategies individuelles ou collectives des femmes, dans un monde marque par l interconnexion croissante d une multitude d acteurs et de reseaux, et ou l Etat-nation a cesse d etre le referent unique. En confrontant des etudes issues de disciplines differentes (histoire, sociologie, litterature, science...
L objectif de cet ouvrage est d explorer les multiples possibilites que l espace transnational a offert aux femmes au cours des trois derniers siecles...
Bringing together leading scholars from a range of nations, Rethinking Antifascism provides a fascinating exploration of one of the most vibrant sub-disciplines within recent historiography. Through case studies that exemplify the field's breadth and sophistication, it examines antifascism in two distinct realms: after surveying the movement's remarkable diversity across nations and political cultures up to 1945, the volume assesses its postwar political and ideological salience, from its incorporation into Soviet state doctrine to its radical questioning by historians and...
Bringing together leading scholars from a range of nations, Rethinking Antifascism provides a fascinating exploration of one of the most ...
Rethinking Antifascism surveys recent research on the anti-fascist movement between 1922 and 1945. It first challenges the revisionist view of anti-fascism as a tool of Stalinism, then discusses the post-War memories and political uses of anti-fascism.
Rethinking Antifascism surveys recent research on the anti-fascist movement between 1922 and 1945. It first challenges the revisionist view of anti-fa...