Cet ouvrage rassemble une trentaine de contributions thematiques emanant de chercheurs en histoire politique ou en science politique autour de l objet - parti -. Il entend faire le constat du renouvellement profond de cette histoire depuis une vingtaine d annees, a la faveur de nouvelles equipes, de nouvelles problematiques, de nouvelles methodes, de nouvelles sources et de nouveaux echanges interdisciplinaires entre historiens et politologues. Meme si l histoire politique connait en France une situation institutionnelle difficile, le champ de l histoire partidaire semble un chantier tres...
Cet ouvrage rassemble une trentaine de contributions thematiques emanant de chercheurs en histoire politique ou en science politique autour de l objet...
Miguel Gonzalez-Gerth, an esteemed translator, poet, editor, and professor emeritus at the University of Texas at Austin, has been publishing his original English and Spanish poetry since 1946. Born in Mexico City in 1926, Gonzalez-Gerth moved to the United States in 1940 and made it his permanent home. He received his B.A. from the University of Texas in 1950 and a PhD from Princeton in 1973, and taught at UT for over thirty years. Editor David Colon has compiled a selection of Gonzalez-Gerth's poems that demonstrate the range of interests, themes, and styles that span more than a century...
Miguel Gonzalez-Gerth, an esteemed translator, poet, editor, and professor emeritus at the University of Texas at Austin, has been publishing his orig...