Peut-on substituer l image au discours et conserver une demarche scientifique ? Dans ce livre, une equipe interdisciplinaire, reunissant des chercheurs belges et quebecois, explore cette question a travers l outil - carte mentale -. Rarement utilise en science politique, cet instrument de collecte de l information permet d acceder a des donnees originales, spontanees et libres a propos d une multitude d objets, allant du cyberespace au federalisme, en passant par des politiques publiques et des sujets sensibles tels que les genocides. En mettant en evidence les differentes acceptions...
Peut-on substituer l image au discours et conserver une demarche scientifique ? Dans ce livre, une equipe interdisciplinaire, reunissant des chercheur...
En Belgique et au Canada, le federalisme est depuis de nombreuses annees un sujet d une brulante actualite. Son avenir y est regulierement et intensement debattu. Pourtant, hormis les sondages, rares sont les tentatives cherchant a mieux comprendre ce que pensent les citoyens du federalisme et de son avenir. Pour leur donner la parole, quatre panels citoyens deliberatifs, rassemblant au total une centaine de participants, ont ete organises: deux en Belgique (a Anvers, en Flandre, et a Liege, en Wallonie) et deux au Canada (a Kingston, en Ontario, et a Montreal, au Quebec). Ces rencontres...
En Belgique et au Canada, le federalisme est depuis de nombreuses annees un sujet d une brulante actualite. Son avenir y est regulierement et intensem...
La participation a aujourd hui le vent en poupe. Du niveau local a l echelle internationale, un grand nombre d experiences sociales et politiques menees au nom de la participation inventent, avec des publics heterogenes, de nouvelles modalites de construction du vivre ensemble. Veritable laboratoire a ciel ouvert, la participation semble desormais un horizon incontournable de nos societes. Derriere ce concept se cache cependant un foisonnement de dispositifs et de methodes disparates utilises dans des contextes tres varies. Ce sont ces realites participatives concretes qui font l objet de ce...
La participation a aujourd hui le vent en poupe. Du niveau local a l echelle internationale, un grand nombre d experiences sociales et politiques mene...
Multinational federations rest on the coexistence of two or more nations within a single polity. Within these federations, minority nations play a significant role as their character differs from the other building blocks of the federation.
This edited volume offers a comprehensive comparison of two such minority nations - Quebec in Canada and Wallonia in Belgium - which exemplifies many dimensions, themes and issues highly resonant to the study of federalism and regionalism across the globe. Quebec and Wallonia have experienced several decades of federal dynamics where...
Multinational federations rest on the coexistence of two or more nations within a single polity. Within these federations, minority nations play a ...
From small-scale experiments, deliberative mini-publics have recently taken a constitutional turn in Europe. Iceland and Ireland have turned to deliberative democracy to reform their constitutions. Estonia, Luxembourg and Romania have also experienced constitutional process in a deliberative mode. In Belgium the G1000, a citizen-led initiative of deliberative democracy, has fostered a wider societal debate about the role and place of citizens in the country's democracy. At the same time, European institutions have introduced different forms of deliberative democracy as a way to connect...
From small-scale experiments, deliberative mini-publics have recently taken a constitutional turn in Europe. Iceland and Ireland have turned to delibe...
Multinational federations rest on the coexistence of two or more nations within a single polity. Within these federations, minority nations play a significant role as their character differs from the other building blocks of the federation.
This edited volume offers a comprehensive comparison of two such minority nations - Quebec in Canada and Wallonia in Belgium - which exemplifies many dimensions, themes and issues highly resonant to the study of federalism and regionalism across the globe. Quebec and Wallonia have experienced several decades of federal dynamics where...
Multinational federations rest on the coexistence of two or more nations within a single polity. Within these federations, minority nations play a ...
From small-scale experiments, deliberative mini-publics have recently taken a constitutional turn in Europe.
Iceland and Ireland have turned to deliberative democracy to reform their constitutions. Estonia, Luxembourg and Romania have also experienced constitutional process in a deliberative mode. In Belgium the G1000, a citizen-led initiative of deliberative democracy, has fostered a wider societal debate about the role and place of citizens in the country's democracy.
At the same time, European institutions have introduced different forms of...
From small-scale experiments, deliberative mini-publics have recently taken a constitutional turn in Europe.